
040 Fuji-Musume Full Blooming(藤娘繚乱)

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Fuji-Musume Full Blooming  (040)
Set: Score and Parts
Level: ★★★
Duration: 7min.
(54 pages incl. front page and instruction)

Hiro was asked to collaborate with famous classical Japanese dace titled “Fuji-Musume(wisteria maiden)” and composed new music for the stage.  When Hiro looked over a score of Nagauta music(Japanese traditional singing), he was eager to change it from the original. However considering the dancer, it was quite important to keep the same tempo and duration from the original, so that he carefully studied to maintain that part and created a totally new music. The stage was successful with the same choreography sequence from the original along with new melody line. The music was originally for “solo orchestra” then rewrote for mandolin orchestra.

藤娘繚乱 (040)
難易度: ★★★


The original Version↑

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