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Tre-Pick Prelude (071)
Set: Score and Parts
Level : ★★★★
Duration: 11min.
(80 pages incl. front page and instruction)
This music was composed for the Jeunesses Musicales Mandolin Orchestra and first performed at NHK hall in 1990, conducted by Naozumi Yamamoto. The mission of this music was make the best use of mandolin’s functionality as well as potentiality. ” Tre-Pick” is a made-up word by Hiro in order to benefit from the “tremolo” and “picking” which are uniqueness of mandolin. Originally, it was composed with 6 parts of mandolin ensemble that effective enough to perform, however there was a request to add a part of percussions for the first performance.
トレピック·プレリュード (071)
(全80 ページ:表紙と説明書含む)
¥10,000 税込