¥5,000 税込
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Wish! and Dreams come True (005)
Set: Score and Parts
Duration: 3 min. 30sec.
(34 pages incl. front page and instruction)
This is based on the poem “Where There’s a Will, There’s Way” written by Japanese famous “prayer poet”, Shinmin Sakamura. It was offered by by a one of Shinmin Sakamura’s fans to create a music for this poem. Hiro had an attachment to this poem, because his mom used to recite the poem when she had a hard time, then it become his magical wards for him to encourage him self. Hiro wishes to let more people know Shinmin Sakamura’s belief and recomposed for Mandolin orchestra.
念ずれば花ひらく (005)
¥5,000 税込