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Piano Sonata(451)
(36 pages incl. front page and instruction)
1st Movement
2nd Movement
3rd MovementThis work was composed when Hiro was 19 years old, at the time he was studying “12-tone technique”. The sounds are carefully selected with following his sensitivity.
ピアノ·ソナタ (451)
(全36 ページ:表紙と説明書含む)
1st Movement
2nd Movement
3rd Movement作曲者19歳、12音技法の勉強をしていた時期の作品です。テーマや随所に12音技法の影響が感じられるものの、自分の耳で選んだ納得した音だけを使うという基本姿勢は貫き通されています。
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¥2,000 tax included