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The Enchanted Forest Suite (14-Songs )(501)
Flute+PianoSongs for the album ” The Enchanted Forest” with Sir James Galway.
Composed and Arranged by Hiro Fujikake
(97 pages incl. front page and instruction)
1. The Enchanted Forest
2. Lyrical Short Piece
3. Nakasendo
4. Zui Zui Zukkorobashi
5. Star Children
6. Song of the Deep Forest
7. Tokuyama Lullaby
8. Hietsuki Bushi
9. Usuhiki Uta
10. Love Song
11. Echoes
12. Harukoma
13. Sakura
14. Romantic World
* Please note that Song of Clay Is not included.
妖精の森 フルート曲集 14曲入り
作曲・編曲 藤掛廣幸
(全97 ページ:表紙と説明書含む)
1. 妖精の森
2. 小さな歌
3. 中仙道
4. ずいずいずっころばし
5. 星の子供
6. 森の歌
7. 徳山の子守歌
8. ひえつき節
9. うすひき歌
10. 愛の歌
11. こだま
12. 春駒
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¥5,000 tax included