¥10,000 税込
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★Viva!Mandolin(Reviced in 2013)(036)
Set: Score and Parts
1st Mandolin, 2nd Mandolin, Mandola, Guitar, Mand.Cello, Bass
Level : ★★★
Duration: 10 min.
Year 1994 is the year of 100 years anniversary since mandolins were introduced to Japan. It’s been commission by Mr. Hisao Ito, chairman from Japan Mandolin Union and first performed by Gifu Mandolin Orchestra. In order to celebrate this anniversary, Hiro wanted to respect its roots where mainline came from, and tried to show gratitude in this music, so that he titled it “Viva! Mandolin” before composing. In this music, Hiro tried to deliver the full potential of its characteristic which are picking and tremolo method. He wishes that players can feel the soul of mandolin and create heart feeling sounds with all in one.
演奏時間:10分: コンクールにおすすめ
¥10,000 税込